Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Why am I back? Hmm... It must be because of the crazy weather, or that the little one fell asleep earlier than usual tonight (hence the free time to blog), or well, maybe I just feel like there's so much to pour out.

I am not sure if turning 30 two months ago has something to do with feeling old - like so-many-things-have-changed old. I suddenly realized that I am so much different now than how I used to be (more on that on a separate post) that recently, I find myself spending precious hours just figuring out who I really am, what makes me happy, and what I really want out of life.

Anyways, I also got to thinking that maybe what's making me feel "this" is because I just turned lazy to do ANYTHING. With that, I decided that I'll make a list of the things I've always wanted to do (and of course, actually do it!) to jumpstart the old me. Here's what I have so far:

  • Finish the 2 books lying on my desk - the parenting book which I got as a birthday gift (halfway done already) and another one on Execution which was from our General Manager, supposedly to help with the project I'm working on
  • Start with a baby scrapbook - already bought srapbook pages and cutouts (on sale! haha!) for all the stuff I saved from Marcus' firsts but I've never really sat down and actually make something out of it
  • Go back to cooking - I know I'm not exactly good at this but the domesticated part of me suddenly missed "experimenting". Maybe I should go and download one of those recipe apps for my phone?
  • Reformat my laptop - I've started organizing all the photos (which I think are the only important files here) but I just haven't transferred them to an external drive. Tsk tsk.
  • Clean-up my closet and get rid of all the clothes I don't want to wear or those that don't fit anymore. Huhu.
  • Create my "dream life" plan - I was told that if you have a dream, write or draw them down and put it somewhere you'll always see it. That way, you'll be more driven to get to them.
  • Schedule for all mommy duties - by this I mean the OC type where all info are in one structured list like for paying bills, grocery list by shelf category, etc.
  • Exercise - been lazy to join Zumba class lately! :(
I'm hoping to be able to do another post on all the mixed feelings I've been having these days. Maybe when I get to cross a few of these items off the list?