I've been blogging since I was 24. (As I write this post, I am checking out
my old blog - hahaha!) I realized that a lot has changed about how I write, what I blog about, and what I consider as big deals then. What remained constant though is that, I still like to share my thoughts to the world (whether or not people actually read it! haha!) I'm not a big writer so sometimes I may be grammatically incorrect or I may not make sense, but well that's just being me and my intention to share is there.
When I heard that a press launch of one of our new products is going to be done right here in our facility and that bloggers are invited to the event, I got excited. I want to meet other women (not expecting a lot of males because most of our products are targeted at the female orientation) who share the same passion for
blabbing writing on the web. In fact, I've been telling everyone in the office that I want to have my photo taken with them. I got a few "why?!" looks, but hey, I'm a blogger fan! Besides, I still think they are celebrities on the net too. :)
I got one of our executive members to take me to the press conference
to take a peek of the event so that, as I planned, I could interact with other bloggers. When I got there and he introduced me to our marketing friends, they immediately asked what I mainly blog about so I said, "Well, it's just a small mommy blog..." Coincidentally, I was seated at a table with a mommy blogger too! I met Monique and Dhang Lachica of
Absolutely Mommy. This is the only photo of me I managed to have taken.
Me, Monique, and Dang. Kudos to Bizu for transforming our plain training room into a presscon-worthy venue! :) |
I learned that Monique used to just contribute to websites, but eventually decided to start a blog of her own.
Absolutely Mommy also does web design services and advertisements. Maybe I can get their services in the future? Hehe.
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to meet with the rest of the beauty bloggers at the other tables. I was too shy! Sigh. I really hope to meet more bloggers in the flesh someday when I overcome my insecurity of having less than fifty posts in four years. Haha! Must. Blog. More.
Anyways, I made a little research to find out the blog entries related to our event and here's what I've found so far:
Plant Tour at Calamba, Laguna
Have You Ever Looked at Your Lipstick and Wondered How It's Made?
Where The Magic Begins
A Field Trip
Hi! superwifey! Nice blog! Thanks for posting our pic. By the way,if your decided to get our web design services, let me know so i can give you big discount! :)