Monday, August 20, 2012


I'm a frustrated baker.  One, because I don't even have an oven at home.  Two, because I do not have the discerning taste that the usual chefs have (well, for now! haha!)

However, lately, I have discovered making goodies using the oven toaster, thanks to The Maya Kitchen website, so I'm starting to relive my dream of becoming a pastry chef.  The first product I was able to surprisingly successfully do was the banana cake.  Here's how it looked:

From my instagram photos.  I know I have to learn to take better food photos.
It was very easy to do.  You basically just have to mash bananas, beat eggs, mix them all together with the cake mix, and voila!  Banana cake in no time!  I just melted some Toblerone white in the microwave and put those crunchies on top.  Like I said, I was surprised that Jax loved it. :)

Last week, the trying-hard baker in me made something else - white chocolate butter cookies.  This time, I tried doing something that's not pre-mixed.  The steps are similar to how the banana cake is done - basically, just a lot of mixing!

Ready to put inside the pre-heated oven toaster!

Finished product
 These weren't bad at all! *insert high five here*

The challenge I encountered was in ensuring that the temperature in the oven is consistent throughout and that it was pre-heated properly.  I'll just post the exact recipe once I have perfected the texture and repeatability.  Soo happy that the taste was fine!  For now, I will just have to continue on with my "experiments" until the hubby buys me a real oven (which he said he will, once he sees me really passionate about this! yeyyy!)

Oh and I have to mention, I had a small dream come true from all these - packing home-made cookies for my little dude's baon.  So proud!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Soo happy that the taste was fine! For now, I will just have to continue on with my "experiments" until the hubby buys me a real oven
