Saturday, August 11, 2012

Semi P-Trained

Now at two years and seven months, my little boy is semi-potty trained.  I said semi because he still has his nappy at night and whenever he's in school or out of the house.  But still, I think it's great! Say hello to less diaper expenses! :)

Since he was one and a half, I've been bugging my husband to remove the carpets in our living room so we can start training little dude to let us know when he needs to go.  I didn't want our house to smell like pee and poop and with the carpets on the floor, I'm sure it would be much more difficult to clean and remove the nasty odors.  However, lazy as he is, he insisted that we just let Marcus do his stuff, carpet and all.  That was a definite no.

I then decided to give the task at hand a rest until earlier this year. I instructed yaya to leave little dude without a diaper for a few hours everyday.  At first we noticed he was trying NOT to pee (he was holding it in!), conscious that he doesn't have a nappy on, so we got a little worried.  We remained persistent and trips to the CR even if he didn't say he needed to go did the trick.
Hoping to be completely diaper-free soon!
However, there was one challenge then - little dude would pee sitting down! Imagine his dad's horror when he saw this!  We never bought a potty for him to train on so he got the idea of how to do "it" by watching me!  To remedy this, Jax had to take Marcus with him whenever he had to pee to show him how it's supposed to be done.  Hehe.

Now, we're still working on two things:
1. Make him pee at the middle of the night, and
2. Get him to stay in the toilet seat and wait until he's "done".  Kids have very little patience and attention span so this is posing another challenge.  What's good though with Marcus is that, whenever he doesn't have a diaper on, he says "poopoo" which means we have to take him to the throne. If we're lucky (which we more often are) he'd take a dump where he should be.

To be fully P-trained will probably take a few more months but hey, I'm still thankful we're slowly getting there!

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