Monday, September 10, 2012

Random Blabbing/Stressing

It's the first day of the workweek and already I feel tired. Sigh.  There's so much to do in the office but I also have personal stuff lined up this week!
  1. First, it's hubby's birthday on Wednesday.  He just told me yesterday that he wanted to bring homemade burritos at work, which means I have to spare some time to cook (pressure!!!) tonight. I'm not an expert at these things so I totally have to make sure I don't do anything to jeopardize my husband's career. Lol!
  2. I have a training program to run tomorrow, and everytime I have such, I stress about it and study my deck over and over.  
  3. I still do not have a gift for my birthday boy!  I have lists in my head but I never really got to buying them because (1) I can't seem to buy the right sizes, (2) Jax is such a picky gift recipient (rolling eyes), and (3) I just didn't have the time.
  4. Have to do some research about a project hubby and I are trying to get our noses into.
Well.. well.. hope to get all the energy I need.  Have a great week ahead, everyone!

Now, let's go make these things happen.. in 4...3...2...1... baboosh! :)

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